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Начало » 2008 » March » 20 »

Welcome to our site dedicated to Japan and music!

Since today X JAPAN (eng) section is available.

Here you can find the full information about the band and its members: discogrphies, lyrics, interviews, album reviews and others. Beside this, we welcome you in Photo-gallery section, where you may find rare or just favorite photos, magazine an photobooks scans. Ones who like fanart may find a lot of interesting things in Fanart section.
In Links section you may find links to OHP's and fan sites related to the band and its members solo works.

And we are looking forward to see you at our Forum where news of different bands and other usuful information is regulery posted.


X Japan's in sub-categories:
- General information - biography of the band was added
- Discography - some lists are available
- Miscellaneous - two articles about appearance of the band at MUSIC STATION and one article about X and X JAPAN SCORES was added
- Media: you may listen to demo versions of the song of the band

YOSHIKI's in sub-categories:
- Lyrics: lyrics of Yoshiki's solo works were added
- Interview: Interview at YOSHIKI OFFICIAL SITE with Tobin Bell and Original English script Interview at YOSHIKI OFFICIAL SITE and YOSHIKI's message from NUDE CD was added
- Miscellaneous: artcles Books about YOSHIKI and YOSHIKI's Persol Collection sunglasses were added

New scans in Photo-gallery section:
- In sub-category magazine scans of Arena37 01.08.2008 (307) and Fool's mate 02.08.2008 (316) are available

In categories of the Links sections:
- РАТА: some links were added: to RaINwebTube (OHP of Ra:IN), PATA Official Web Site (Pata's OHP) and also PATA Official MySpace (official Pata's blog at MySpace)
- X JAPAN: link to X JAPAN 2008 blog at MySpace was added

Best regards
Administration of Japan - the Kingdome of X.

Категория: X JAPAN | Просмотров: 1132 | Добавил: heath[er]
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