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[romaji] [russian]

作詞 Yoshiki 作曲 Yoshiki

I'm bored to death(Go mad)
壁に飛び散る sprinter of glass (shed blood)
顧みる過去にむしばまれ 血を流す

I come to my sense (at last)
嘲り笑う Out sider (smush up)
全て砕け散る 快感に目を醒ます

記憶に焼きつくおまえの姿 血ヘドで吐き捨てろ

I don'T want vanishing love

Break out of (my mold)
鏡に映る false face (break up)
見失いかけた欲望を 曝け出すとき

Make a past (at girl)
幻覚に視た a real knock out (rape you)
気違いじみた 快楽に明けくれろ

絡みつくおまえの幻影 忘れられない悲しみ
血迷う心のかけらは 影も形もない夢を
今も追い続けてる 作られた凶気装い

"I can't stand"
How I try to decive myself
"Waiting for you"
If the tears turn into the blood
"Can't get away"
How I try to decive myself
"Portrait of you"
No matter what you say
I can't lose track of you I missed

*Injury deep inside my heart still remain
Cut up my heart (that) you live
In my illusion you go away.
I stand rooted to the spot


絡みつくおまえの幻影 忘れられない悲しみ
血迷う心のかけらは 影も形もない夢を
今も追い続けてる 作られた凶気装い

*Repeat×4 times

(lough at me)Being at my wit's end
(lough at me) Even if it's a forced smile
(lough at me) Being at my wit's end

Lyrics & music: Yoshiki

I'm bored to death (Go mad)
kabe ni tobi-chiru sprinter of glass (shed blood)
kaerimiru kako ni mushibamare chi o nagasu

I come to my sense (at last)
azakeri-waray Out sider
subete kudake-chiru kaikan ni me o samasu

kioku ni yaki-tsuku omae no sugata
chi hedo de haki-sutero

I don't want want vanishing love

Break out of (my mold)
kagami ni utsuru False face (break up)
mi-ushinai-kaketa yokubou o baku-kesu toki

Make a past (at girl)
maboroshi ni mita A real knock out
kichigai-jimita kairaku ni ake-kurero

karami-tsuku omae no gen'ei wasurarenai kurushimi
chi-mayou kokoro no kakera wa kage mo katachi mo nai yume o
ima mo oi-tsuzuiteru tsukurareta kyouki-yosooi

"I can't stand" How I try to decive myself
"Waiting for you"
If the tears turn into blood
"Can't get away"
How I try to decive myself
"Portrait of you"
No matter what you say
I can't lose track of you I missed

*Injury deep inside my heart still remain
Cut up my heart (that) you live
In my illusion you go away
I stand rooted to the spot


karami-tsuku omae no gen'ei wasurarenai kurushimi
chi-mayou kokoro no kakera wa kage mo katachi mo nai yume o
ima mo oi-tsuzuiteru tsukurareta kyouki-yosooi

*Repeat×4 times

(laugh at me) Being at my wit's end
(laugh at me) Even if it's a forced smile
(laugh at me) Being at my wit's end

Категория: Тексты песен и переводы | Автор: X | Просмотров: 860

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