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Начало » X JAPAN » PATA » Тексты и переводы

Music:   Lyrics:

Welcome to my brain
Feel like a state of insane
Anything what you want
Every effort to provide you

Seem to worry about something
Something you lost in the past
Watch a spiral sparkling
Take a deep breath and relax

Even if I found out your pain
Wash it away in the hard rain
Even if I found out your sin
Make the gold platter to take in

    Just enjoy this voyage
    Get off on being here now
    Gonna pluck up your some courage
    To shout to the heaven loud

     Come on, get together
     Come on, going for the one
     Come on, set you free
     Freak out, ultimate ecstasy

Talking about my every cells
They’re falling for you well
With a telepathic way
I know what you want to say

     Just enjoy this voyage
     Get off on being here now
     Gonna pluck up your some courage
     To shout to the heaven loud

      Come on, get together
      Come on, going for the one
      Come on, set you free
      Freak out, ultimate ecstasy

Категория: Тексты и переводы | Автор: Ra:IN | Просмотров: 695

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